Govinda schreef:
Hi all :-)
It'll be fun to work here with you guys over the coming months.
fun? work? you must be new :-)
I have
been out of the coding loop for 7 years, and I am totally new to PHP,
but I should catch up not-too-slowly as I used to code HTML, WebDNA, and
a little Visual Basic too. Kindly bear with me.
little bear or big bear?
okay enough jokes (but now you know the list flavor at least)
First Q:
This code does list the files in my dir just fine:
$ThisDir = getcwd()."/thumbs";
$DirHandle = opendir($ThisDir);
if ($DirHandle = opendir($ThisDir)) {
echo "Directory handle: $DirHandle\n";
echo "Files:<br /><hr width=\"25\%\" align=\"left\" />";
while ((false !== ($file = readdir($DirHandle))) & 1) {
echo "$file<br />";
But two of those entries are apparently named "." and "..".
they are quite common in most filesystem :-P
Feel free to enlighten me on that, but, always trying to be
like John Lennon said ... by heck you gotta save yourself
(damn I said I'd stop with the jokes didn't I)
self-sufficient, I attempt to workaround by wrapping this line:
echo "$file<br />";
with an if statement that I want to only show the file if it ends with
the extension ".jpg". I haven't yet found the 'string.ends_with'
function in the docs, so I am just seeing if I can (to learn step by
step) instead wrap that echo line with an if statement that says "if
the name of the file is equal to (xxxx.jpg)", like so:
$ThisDir = getcwd()."/thumbs";
becareful with getcwd(), look into other methods of determining
paths, e.g. dirname(__FILE__).
$DirHandle = opendir($ThisDir);
if ($DirHandle = opendir($ThisDir)) {
echo "Directory handle: $DirHandle\n";
echo "Files:<br /><hr width=\"25\%\" align=\"left\" />";
save yourself a million slashes:
echo 'Files:<br /><hr width="25%" align="left" />';
double quotes interpolate variables, single quotes don't.
while ((false !== ($file = readdir($DirHandle))) & 1) {
if (true == ($file="xxxx.jpg")) {
echo "$file<br />";
this *could* be written as:
echo $file, '<br />';
just a thought.
But instead of printing only the name of the file which is equal to
"xxxx.jpg", it seems to actually set the value of $file to "xxxx.jpg" on
use == to test equality, = is to set a variable.
each iteration of the while loop, so what I get is a list of files all
having the same name ("xxxx.jpg") and their number is equal to the
actual number of files in that dir (plus 2 - for the "." and ".." files).
there is is_dir() to check if it's a dir. but that's not what you want here.
you could do something hackish like
if (stripos(strrev($file), "gpj.") === 0) {
echo $file;
note the ===, 3 equals signs here is very important! check the docs for why.
or you could go a little more robust with regular expressions
if (preg_match("#^.*\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$#i", $file) {
echo $file; // any image file is echo'ed
if (preg_match("#^.*\.jpe?g$#i", $file) {
echo $file; // any jpeg file is echo'ed
How to say, "if the fileNAME is equal to...", or better yet, "if the
fileNAME ends with '.jpg'"? lists all the basic string funcs,
have fun with inconsistent argument order in some of those! after 7+ years
of php I still get the order wrong for some of them :-)
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