On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Per Jessen <per@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:> Per Jessen wrote:>>> Tom wrote:>>>>> Practical i implement a robust filebase in my new gamer portal and>>> go to max. at upload values. If the users make a big upload, it>>> should be stable. I think, later (after release) i will enhance it>>> with a ftp port. But not yet.>>>>>> Here you can see, what i have in filebase, but a 1.9 GB upload fails.>>> I don't know if this is the overhead.>>> http://www.guildmeets.de/index.php?onlydirid=78>>>> OK, I've also just tried uploading bigger files - 1280Mb,1536Mb,180MB>> are fine, but 1900Mb fails. I'll do that again with strace and see if>> I can spot something obvious - I didn't see any errors etc.>>>> This time I had set the upload_file_size and post_max_size to 3000Mb> each, which probably didn't work. When I tried the 1900Mb file again I> got this error:>> [Fri Aug 08 16:57:28 2008] [error] [client] PHP Warning:> POST Content-Length of 1992294868 bytes exceeds the limit> of -1149239296 bytes in Unknown on line 0, referer>>> /Per Jessen, Zürich Just a guess.... 3000MB exceeds the value of a 4-byte integer whenconverted to bytes. -1149239296 is the signed equivalent of3145728000, which is 3000 * 1024 * 1024. I'm guessing that since theupload size is greater than a (really large) negative number, PHP isthrowing an error. That's probably where the 2GB figure comes from. Andrew