On Jul 31, 2008, at 3:10 PM, Boyd, Todd M. wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Rahul S. Johari [mailto:sleepwalker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 2:06 PM
To: Boyd, Todd M.
Cc: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Dynamic Select Lists - 1st Selection Effects 2nd!
Did IT!!!! Haha ... just as you were probably writing in & sending
this mail.
I pretty much used your theory and actually did look around under
to get the relevant AJAX information. Works like a charm.
Pretty much using an onChange=grabCountiesfromAnotherPHPpage();
function. Code is similar to your example below - slightly different.
An included 'ajax.js' takes care of the AJAX code, and an additional
'counties.php' writes counties based on a "SELECT COUNTY from myTable
WHERE STATE = $_GET['STATE']" SQL Query in an independent SELECT
AJAX takes care of the rest by pulling in this SELECT LIST on to the
original page.
Thanks a ton - this actually turned out to be easier then I thought!!
Glad to hear it! Hopefully, this will keep you from abandoning new and
exciting programming horizons that you don't immediately feel
capable of
grasping. After all, if you're going to be an "Internet Architect,"
is something you'll need to be (at least comfortably) familiar
with. :)
Todd Boyd
Web Programmer
Indeed! This problem actually opened up my horizon to the whole AJAX
foundation. I think what I was most impressed was the ease with which
I was able to accomplish this Dynamic state for my select lists, and
how effective the script actually is. I actually had two separate
SELECT LIST combinations on the page which both needed the same
Dynamic functionality. Achieved it by fine-tuning my script a bit.
Really liking AJAX right now and ready to dip in my feet deeper.
Thanks Todd, appreciate your support!
Rahul Sitaram Johari
Founder, Internet Architects Group, Inc.
[Email] sleepwalker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[Web] http://www.rahulsjohari.com
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