On Jul 8, 2008, at 4:19 PM, tedd wrote:
At 9:33 PM +0100 7/8/08, Stut wrote:
I've only had a quick look but as far as I can see it's keeping the
vars in a form, the form posts to index.php so I'm guessing
index.php simply includes the script you specify on the form.
Not what I would call "pass[ing] variables between scripts" but
that's just semantics.
As I figured, the smart ones would figure it out pretty easily.
In the old days when memory was tight we used to do something we
called overlays.
The process worked like this:
1. Your program would compute what it could with what memory was
2. Then the program would halt and the variables used to that point
would be frozen in memory.
3. Then another program was loaded on top of the in situ program
with spaces in the memory for the values.
4. Then the program would take off again using the new program and
those variables.
5. The process would repeat as many times as necessary.
Now, in this case I am not swapping scripts because of memory
restraints, but rather bringing in new scripts to continue with
another part of the program -- but, I'm exiting the old script.
It turns out to be a very simple process and it works like this.
Run your first script, populate whatever variables you need
(including post, get, and such) and then figure out where you want
your program to go (i.e., next phase). Instead of populating a bunch
of sessions, or filling up a database with values, simply --
-- and bingo! TheNextScript.php will have all the variables your
original script had and your old script will be no more.
-Stut is technically right, it's not really passing variables but
rather "overlaying" a new script on top of the old one.
In any event, I find it a neat way to continue a script without
having to resort to using sessions, or other such storage
mechanisms, to "pass" variables to the new script.
Try it -- it works neat.
Clever, clever. I actually did something along these lines in the app
I'm currently working on. I had a form, submitted it (to the same
page), it did it's processing and continued on that page w/o
forwarding. Mine did, however, use POST. For example,
if (isset ($_POST['confirm'])) {
// Do stuff here
// After doing stuff here, you could have a
// header() redirect
// Now just continue onto the page
<form action="thispage.php">...</form>
The downfall for doing it this way, w/o redirecting upon submit, is
not being able to *refresh* w/o being prompted with submitting the
form again.
Now that I think about it... this has nothing to do with what you did!
Ha! Ok, I'm going home - I'm tired.
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