Hi, I coded a bulk emailer for our newsletter that worked fine for the last few years resulting in many requests for forgotten passwords and renewed site activity. Last year, we sent it again, after a few minor code changes, and had no response whatsoever. Unfortunately, I no longer have the backup copy of the original code. So, I assume that the code has an error that I can't see. Perhaps someone might see an obvious error in the code (I'm just too close to it to see it objectively. The code page loads from a secured authorized connection, and iterates through a postgresql db table for names and email addresses. I've broken the email packets to 50, and verify that each has been sent. Any help greatly appreciated -- I'm afraid to check it live with actual names/email addresses, though it works fine for a few duds that I have salted in the sponsor table. Code snippet: <?php if ($_POST['submit'] == "Next Batch?"){ $run = $_SESSION['run']; /* DEBUG PRINT STATEMENTS */ print "<h4>POST submit value is {$_POST['submit']}</h4><br<br>"; print "<h4>RUN value is $run</h4><br<br>"; print "<h4>RUN SESSION value is {$_SESSION['run']}</h4><br><br>"; include("dbc.php"); switch ($run) : case "1" : /* sid to 100-149 */ $current = "(SID 100-149)"; $query = "SELECT sid,sfname,ssname,smail FROM sponsor WHERE sid > 99 AND sid < 150 AND sid != 100 AND sid != 105 AND sid != 107 AND sid != 109 AND sid != 111 AND sid != 113 AND sid != 114 AND sid != 119 AND sid != 130 AND sid != 131 AND sid != 148 AND sid != 165 AND sid != 166 ORDER BY sid ASC"; $run = 2; $_SESSION['run'] = 2; session_write_close(); break; case "2" : /* sid to 150-199 */ $current = "(SID 150-199)"; $query = "SELECT sid,sfname,ssname,smail FROM sponsor WHERE sid > 149 AND sid < 200 AND sid != 100 AND sid != 105 AND sid != 107 AND sid != 109 AND sid != 111 AND sid != 113 AND sid != 114 AND sid != 119 AND sid != 130 AND sid != 131 AND sid != 148 AND sid != 165 AND sid != 166 ORDER BY sid ASC"; $run = 3; $_SESSION['run'] = 3; session_write_close(); break; . . . . case "11" : /* sid 500 + */ $current = "(SID 600+)"; $query = "SELECT sid,sfname,ssname,smail FROM sponsor WHERE sid > 599 ORDER BY sid ASC"; $run = 12; $_SESSION['run'] = 12; session_write_close(); break; case "12" : $run = "'s complete!"; header("location: newsletter.php"); break; case "TEST RUN"; print "TEST RUN: NO further processing<br>Check incoming email!"; break; endswitch; /* Text and headers for email */ $message = "Dear $fname, ...... admin"; $sender = "sent@xxxxxxxx"; $subject = "Newsletter June 2008"; $recipient_fullname = "$fname $sname"; $recipient = "$recipient_fullname <$smail>"; // call mail function $headers = "From: $sender"; $response = mail($recipient, $subject, $message, $headers); if ($response[0] == 0) { print "<h4><br><br>Run #$run-$current Newsletter email processed for ($sid) - $fname $sname<br>$smail<br><br></h4>"; } else { print "<h4><br><br>Run #$run-$current ERROR processing for ($sid) - $fname $sname<br>$smail<br><br></h4>"; } } } ?> Tia, Andre (celtic) -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php