Re: Updating inherited attributes without __construct()

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On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 2:09 PM, Tyson Vanover <tvanover@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Sorry, I probably should have included the add() function from the parent.
>  As well as all of the parent constructor.
> Basically the object takes an array of key=>value pairs and parses them
> into a string for output.  When it takes in the array of pairs it needs to
> check the keys against a list of valid keys.  I have no preference on how to
> store the list of valid keys other than to add more a constructor doesn't
> need to be called.
> class parent{
>  $validkeys = 'name,size';
>  $attributes = array();
>  __construct($set){
>    foreach($set as $key=>$value){
>      if(isValidKey($key)){
>        $this->attributes[$key] = $value;
>      }
>    }
>  }
>  __toString(){
>    $output = "";
>    foreach($this->attributes as $key=>value){
>      $output .= sprintf(TEMPLATE, $key, $value);
>    }
>  }
>  __set($key, $value){
>    if(isValidKey($key)){
>      $this->attributes[$key] = $value;
>    }
>  }
>  isValidKey($key){
>  ...Something goes here...
>  }
> }
> class child extends parent{
> ...All this needs to do is tack on values 'color,shape' to parent's valid
> keys...
> }
> class grandchild extends child{
> ...All this needs to do is tack on values 'cost,location' to child's valid
> keys...
> }
> Most sub classes won't need anything different from their parent but the
> expanded list of valid keys.

perhaps instead of subclassing you could write a set of decorators, with a
base decorator, that the others extend.  something like this,

class BaseParentDecorator {
  protected $additionalValidKeys = array();
  protected $theParent = null;

  public function __construct($parent) {
    $this->theParent = $parent;

  public function __toString() {
    return $this->theParent->__toString();

  public function __set($key, $value) {
    $this->theParent->$key = $value;

  public function isKeyValid($key) {
    /// determine if key is valid, by looking at $this->validKeys
    /// put that boolean result in a variable, like $isKeyValid, then
    return $isKeyValid || $this->theParent->isKeyValid($key);

and now, instead of subclassing parent, to a potentially deep hierarchy, all
your new classes will subclass BaseParentDecorator, so working off your
example from above, we would have something like,

class child extends BaseParentDecorator {
  protected $validKeys = array(/* tacked on values for child */);

class grandchild extends BaseParentDecorator {
  protected $validKeys = array(/* tacked on values for grandchild */);

then at runtime you simply wrap a child instance by the grandchild instance,
as in

$thing = new grandchild(new child(new parent(array(/* stuff */)));


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