Re: question about session variables

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How are you "calling thankyou.php"?

1. are you -redirecting- the user to that file?
2. are you -including- that file into register.php upon a successful submission?

The method you're using determines how you best secure thankyou.php from direct access.

If you're redirecting, then using a session variable is what you want.
If you're including, then a simple constant or variable defined in register.php can be checked and validated in thankyou.php.

NOTE: use of session_register() is deprecated. After calling session_start(), just assign variables directly to $_SESSION:

$_SESSION['firstname'] = 'Fred;


On 2-Jun-08, at 11:12 AM, Sudhakar wrote:

i have a registration page called register.php if the data entered is
validated correctly i call a file called thankyou.php or else validate.php

presently a user after seeing the url if they enter the url directly in the browser as they can access the file, if a user accesses the file this way i would like to redirect to a
page saying "Direct acess to this file is not allowed"

previously i used sessions in register.php and also in thakyou.php and
validate.php and it worked fine for some reason now it is not working the way it is supposed to i might have made some changes which i do not know

previously my code in register.php was, the first few lines of register.php









// rest of the html and php code




code in thankyou.php, the first few lines of register.php file









// rest of the html and php code




NOTE = in thankyou.php i display a thank you message by retrieving the first
name from register page and displaying in thankyou.php using session
variables in the following way

in register.php, the first few lines of register.php file




session_register("firstname ");


$_SESSION[firstname] = $ firstname;


in thankyou.php, the first few lines of register.php file


if(session_is_registered("firstname "))


echo $_SESSION[firstname];

session_unregister("firstname ");



please advice how i should rewrite the php code in both the
files(register.php and thankyou.php) so that if a user enters the url
directly in the browser i can redirect to directaccess.html file


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