I remember having troubles understanding OOP, especially going from Pic
Microcontroller assembly to Java, but I found the Wikipedia article
helped a lot.
I still write in functions, but I understand OO :-) .
BTW : Hello list. I just joined.
Michael Kubler
*G*rey *P*hoenix *P*roductions <>
Ted Wood wrote:
On 1-Jun-08, at 8:15 AM, Ryan S wrote:
Thanks for replying, but how and where do I put that into the script?
all that "this->" stuff is confusing....
Tony Marsten's links seem to be very good, but let me offer you a
simpler introduction. Once you can think in an OOP fashion,
procedural-/functional-based programming seems archaic.
Object-oriented programming is all about thinking about everything as
"objects".... people, cars, flowers, dogs, pictures, food items...
whatever your application manages. You model up these real-world
objects using simple PHP syntax.
Objects can refer to themselves (or their inheritance) using $this->,
which means "me" or "mine". When using $this->, the object is
referring to a property or method (aka function) within itself or
inherited from one of its parents, whichever comes first.