Mark Weaver wrote:
Hi all,
I've put this off as long as possible, however I think I've reached an
I've got an application that I've been writing. One of the modules for
this app is an event calendar. I've got the calendar to the place where
it displays the current month as well as previous and future months. The
place I'm stuck is it will only show months in the past or the future
that are months in the current year.
Basically the method I'm using to move backward and forward is with Unix
1. When the calendar first loads the "what" is checked for;
// passed in via $_GET
$what == current, prev, or next
a. "current" is the default
$now = time()
$prev = date('n',$now)-1
$next = date('n',$now)+1
b. Timestamp values are then stored in an array and then
sent to client in session cookie which is then accessed
upon each subsequent request to display the event calendar.
My question/boggle is why, when the calendar advances to
December(current year) it will display January, but of the current year.
The same happens in reverse.
Once I reach the end of the year either in the past or future the month
increases or decreases accordingly, but the year doesn't change. Since
the year value isn't changing the month calendar days that are displayed
simply repeat themselves.
I know there's something I'm missing, but I am definitely not seeing
what it is...
/********************** code below ************************/
$cal = new Calendar;
$calpos = array();
// check incoming values
if ($what === "current"){
$now = time();
$prev = $cal->getStamp(date('n',$now)-1,1);
$next = $cal->getStamp(date('n',$now)+1,1);
$calpos['curr'] = $now;
$calpos['prev'] = $prev;
$calpos['next'] = $next;
$_SESSION['calendar'] = $calpos;
elseif($what === "prev"){
$peek = $_SESSION['calendar'];
$now = $peek['prev'];
$prev = $cal->getStamp(date('n',$now)-1,1);
$next = $cal->getStamp(date('n',$now)+1,1);
$calpos['curr'] = $now;
$calpos['prev'] = $prev;
$calpos['next'] = $next;
$_SESSION['calendar'] = $calpos;
elseif($what === "next"){
$peek = $_SESSION['calendar'];
$now = $peek['next'];
$prev = $cal->getStamp(date('n',$now)-1,1);
$next = $cal->getStamp(date('n',$now)+1,1);
$calpos['curr'] = $now;
$calpos['prev'] = $prev;
$calpos['next'] = $next;
$_SESSION['calendar'] = $calpos;
function setCal($h=0,$m=0,$s=0,$offset,$dayVal=1){
$stamp = date('U',mktime($h,$m,$s, $offset,$dayVal,date('Y')));
// Using the stamp the various necessary properties are set for the
// object
function getStamp($dateStr,$dayVal=1){
return date('U',mktime(0,0,0, $dateStr,$dayVal,date('Y')));
Just in case:
The solution was right in front of my all along. When setting the
calendar object I was giving the class everything it needed except the
{year} value. I _ass_-umed it was being set auto-magically; possibly by
fairies or tree elves. Turns out I needed to set that parameter. Imagine
that... :)
function setCal($h=0,$m=0,$s=0,$offset,$dayVal=1){
$stamp = date('U',mktime($h,$m,$s, $offset,$dayVal,date('Y')));
setCal function from Calendar Class:
function setCal($h=0,$m=0,$s=0,$offset,$dayVal=1,$yrVal)
current: $cal->setCal(0,0,0,date('n',time()),1,date('Y',time()));
$prev value coming from session cookie
$now = $session['prev'];
prev: $cal->setCal(0,0,0,date('n',$now),1,date('Y',$now));
$next value coming from session cookie
$now = $session['next'];
next: $cal->setCal(0,0,0,date('n',$now),1,date('Y',$now));
It all works very nicely now.
Thank you Robert for the push to seriously scrutinize my code.
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