On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Craige Leeder <cleeder@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hey Paragasu, > > Sounds like fun, though not really that difficult. It is a very > horrible site, but it shouldnt' take that much to create the script > for. They do not, in-fact, use Javascript to pull the movie times from > the database. They reload the page with the added querystring > variables (for my run through): > > isSearchBy=cin // How are we searching > visCinID=1000 // What is the cinema ID > visMovieName=Iron+Man // What movie do we want to see? > > I'd give it a try, but I am not setup to use curl at the moment, and > don't anticipate having done so in time to do this. > > What you need to do is access the url that assigns you your session > ID, and store that for subsequent curl calls to the server. You should > pass it with all of them. You also need to find out where they > generate the (what I assume is) dynamic part of their url so you can > use that to access the actually movie url. The part in my url was: > .../(3yujtbmepau3jb45a22gju55)/... > > Good luck with this project, and let us know how it goes. > - Craige > ups.. nice to hear someone agree with me =) .. at least i am not alone saying that. beautiful website with very poor usability is really horrible to use. I will in fact i should because i don't like the website usability.. get back to you later..