well, this going to be fun. the website i am trying to scrapped is http://www.cathayholdings.com.my/ it is a movie cinema website with very irritating design. They really tried to imposed the security to the point it is really not user friendly. The whole website written in asp. I really hate to go around looking for the show time for the latest movie and decided to build my own simple website to display the movie and show time from the cathay cinema my own way. But, it is proven not so easy to do. The datetime buried deep inside the online booking. Thus user will be able to see the showtimes only when the user click the online booking. Then, after user click the online booking, the link open on a new window and generate a cookies. this cookies will be part of the URL. So basically, there is two cookie value pass to the server. (one GET request & one in HTTP header) Apart from that, they use javascript (AJAX?) to pull the showtime from the server after you have to click 3 times. OMG.. i only wan't to know the time and have to go thus whole step. using php curl library to simulate the request just to get the movie name and show time list from the server. it is possible? post your code.. ** no reward, just for php programming fun..