At 3:36 PM -0500 4/30/08, afan pasalic wrote:
hi, as a result of one calculation I'm receiving an array where elements could be 0 or date (as string yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss). I have to check if any of elements of the array is "date" or if all elements of the array is 0? If I try array_sum($result) I'll get 0 no matter what (0 + $string = 0). I know I can do something like: foreach($result as $value) { if ($value !=0) { $alert = true; } } or if (in_array($result, '-')) { $alert = true; } but I was thinking if there is the function does that. thanks for any help. -afan
You can create an empty array and check to see if the difference via array_diff.
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