On 27 Apr 2008, at 22:40, Rod Clay wrote:
I've written my php script to accept either:
1) url parameters, when first invoked (so in this case I'm getting
variables out of the $_GET global array), but then I create a form
with method=PUT and, when this form is submitted and comes back into
this same php script, I'm looking for
2) variables in the $_PUT global array
However, I tested this just now and, for some reason I can't fathom,
though the form I create has method=PUT, when it is submitted and
comes back to my php script, $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] still
contains "GET".
Am I missing something fairly obvious here (quite possible!)?
Once my php script is invoked with parameters in the url (i.e.,
implicit GET method), am I not able to create a form with method=PUT
and have this form come back into my php script with values in the
$_PUT global array??
Thanks for any help anyone can give me! I'm stumped!
You want POST not PUT. Nearly all browsers don't currently support PUT
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