Re: the most amazing php code i have ever seen so far

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paragasu wrote:
i have seen many php code. i learn php on my own, and during early days with
i download many open source php project and try to learn the coding on my
i did see many code (ugly, spaghetti code etc). Some even  take me few
hours to figure out
how it works.

But one project using php in a very clean way. The codeis look so simple.
yet do so much thing.
Personally, i vote for project for the best php code. Anyone
know better?

First thing, after the sweeeet header comment that I saw was this:


I thought, why wouldn't you just do this:


Or maybe I'm missing something. call_user_func() only seems to be useful if you have a variable function name that could be different for any call of the call_user_func():

But still, this would be the same yes?



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