Can't really know without the rest of the code.
Check if the function really returns and not Dying (Add some messege like:
die("help me I'm dying"); ).
Also use print_r or something like to see what's inside the fields array.
it is possible that it's an associative array and you are using the wrong
index (0)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ali Reza Sajedi" <arsajedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 11:51 PM
Subject: function returns no value
with the following call I try to print a string out of DB
echo $allg->translate($db, $lang, 14, "auth/authCallback", 4);
function translate () should do a DB querry and returns the requested
string. Although the querry yields a positive result, the function returns
no value.
Here is the function:
function translate ($db, $lang, $MaiKey, $page, $pid) {
$statement = "SELECT fa FROM language WHERE MaiKey='$MaiKey' AND
page='$page' AND pid='$pid'";
$result = $db->Execute($statement);
if ($result=== false) die();
return $result->fields[0];
Could anybody see what is going wrong here?
I appreciate any hint.
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