VamVan wrote:
Hello All, We many times encounter the situations of having Queries inside loop of another query. Many times we can solve the issue by query joins but there will be some situations where we cannot do it. For Example: function Change($id){ $qry_reg = "SELECT registrationID FROM registration WHERE event_id = '$id'"; $res_reg =& $this->mdb2->query($qry_reg); while ($row_reg = $res_reg->fetchRow()) { $userid = $row_reg['registrationid']; $sql_insert = "INSERT INTO run (command, event_id, created, user_id, runtime) VALUES ('topic_change', '".$id."', NOW(), '".$userid."', NOW())"; $res_insert =& $this->mdb2->query($sql_insert); } }
In this example you can just use a single query: $query = "insert into run(command, event_id, created, user_id, runtime) select 'topic_change', registrationID, NOW(), ".(int)."$userid, NOW() FROM registration WHERE event_id='".(int)$id."'"; -- Postgresql & php tutorials -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: