Ryan S wrote:
Hey everyone,
A bit of a puzzle here, dont know if this is a JS problem or PHP or FF or .... just me.
(My money is on the last one :p )
Here's what I am trying to do:
In a form I have a listbox with the values 1-5, and under the listbox i have a <TD> with the id of "recips" (like so: <TD id='recips">
I have a onChange event linked to the list box and depending on what number the client picks it should dynamically put the number of text boxes there, here is the JS code:
///// ############### Start JS code ############
function change_no_of_recipients()
var nr=document.mainform.no_of_friends.options[document.mainform.no_of_friends.selectedIndex].value;
if(nr>5){nr=5;} // max number of recipients
var msg = '<table width="50%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">';
Move your table opening outside the loop
for (var x = 1; x <= nr; x++)
msg += '<tr>' +
'<td nowrap="nowrap">'+ x +'. Recipient\'s name:</td>' +
'<td><input type="text" name="rec_name[]" id="rec_name[]" /></td>' +
first off, in the world of CSS, this id would not be unique or valid for that
matter. id attributes can only contain numbers, letters, and underscores.
Don't think that is related to your problem, but it was something I thought I
would point out.
'<td nowrap="nowrap">Recipient\'s email:</td>' +
'<td><input type="text" name="rec_email[]" id="rec_email[]" /></td>' +
'</tr>' +
msg += '</table>';
move your table closing outside the loop.
///// ##################### End JS code ################
So far on the page everything is working, but when I click the submit button this is my PHP processing script:
It shows me everything that has been submitted but NOT any of the above dynamically made boxes values... but get this, it DOES show me all values... in IE7 _not_ in FF (am using
Anybody else face anything like this?
Is this a bug in FF? Is $_REQUEST wrong to catch this?
Dont know what the @#$@ to do... ANY help even a link to a site which can shed a little light would be appreciated.
Do you have your <form ..>...</form> defined?
Show us the actual output of the print_r() call above.
Thanks in advance.
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