On Mar 5, 2008, at 10:41 AM, Ford, Mike wrote:
On 05 March 2008 15:34, Jason Pruim advised:
Okay so I'm replying to my own post... And top posting to boot! :P
Amazing what happens when you pull a few [] off.... for completness:
$NumArray = Array($_POST['txtNumArray']);
works as I wanted :)
Are you sure?? Looks a bit suspect to me, since $_POST['txtNumArray']
will already be an array, and what you've got there turns it into an
Array of Array.
From your original message, I was about to suggest you wanted simply
$NumArray = $_POST['txtNumArray'];
and I still suspect that might be more the mark.
I think you may be right :) I just changed it to that without any
issues... Few less bytes :)
(I was also wondering to myself whether you actually really, really
wanted $txtNumArray = $_POST['txtNumArray'], but perhaps you can
explain why not...?)
It's a habit I picked up when I was in school and studied Visual basic
for a semester... That way, I know for sure if I'm working with the
original text verses the text stored in the variable.
Is there any reason not to do it the way I am? I'm completely self
taught (With the help of many people from here!) so I'm open to
suggestions about stuff like this :)
Jason Pruim
Raoset Inc.
Technology Manager
MQC Specialist
3251 132nd ave
Holland, MI, 49424-9337
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