bastien> Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 10:18:15 -0600> From: jblanchard@xxxxxxxxxx> To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: GPS Locator> > Howdy group!> > I know that this is not a PHP question (but it will work with a PHP app)> but I thought I would ask the smartest group of people I know if they> have any clue or would be familiar with a device I can use. I need to> purchase a small GPS receiver/antenna that will plug into a USB port.> Then I need to access the port (Ajax? Java?) while in my web application> to deliver the coordinates to my PHP application. That will give me the> physical location of the machine accessing the application.> > Any insight will be valuable.> > -- > PHP General Mailing List (> To unsubscribe, visit:> _________________________________________________________________