Chris wrote:
I don't think it's a change in OO handling, maybe it's a change in the
error_reporting level for the new version and you hadn't noticed the
problem before.
Its a Fatel Error not a warning. Dont see how level off error
reporting could be relevant.
Fair enough :P
What type of variable is 'cart' when this error happens?
Have permissions been screwed on the session_save_path folder? (check a
phpinfo for where this is if you're not setting it explicitly).
Make sure that you are defining the class before you initialize the session.
I have seen this happen with others on the list, and it has sometimes been that
they are initializing the session, which tries to recreate the object, but the
actual class definition has not happened yet.
make sure you include all your classes before you initialize your session, see
if that works.
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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