Hamilton Turner wrote:
Just a follow-up on this, the problem was 'Fatal error: Allowed memory
size of 8388608 bytes exhausted'
After some nice help, I found that this is actually a common problem
with intense regexes in php. Quick fix is using ini_set() to increase
your memory_limit to something massive, like '400M'. This gives your
script access to that much memory for its life-time. If you have this
problem, then you probably also have to do this
set_time_limit(0); //remove any max execution time
PS - for anyone confused, here was the script . . . i didnt think it was
that confusing, sorry guys!
function parse_access($file_name)
// read file data into variable
$fh = fopen($file_name, 'r') or die("cant open file for reading");
$theData = fread($fh, filesize($file_name));
// perform regex
$regex = '!(\d{0,3}\.\d{0,3}\.\d{0,3}\.\d{0,3}) - -
-\d+] {1,4}"GET ([._0-9\-%a-zA-Z/,?=]+) ([.0-9a-zA-Z%/\-,_?]+)" (\d{3})
(\d+) \[(.+?)] \[(.+?)] \[(.+?)] (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)!';
//echo $regex . '<br><br><hr><br>';
$num = preg_match_all($regex, $theData, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER);
//echo "after regex - we are still alive!";
//go on to do some boring stuff, like write this to an array, perform
stuff, graph stuff, blah blah
Increasing the memory limit is the worst possible solution to this
It's a giant file, and your regex is basically pulling out each line.
For the love of $DEITY learn about fgets and process each line one by
one rather than loading in the whole file. It'll be a lot faster and
won't suck your memory dry while it runs.
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