Daniel Brown wrote:
On Feb 16, 2008 6:22 PM, Rob Gould <gouldimg@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I've got a PHP script that inserts "00012345678" into a record in a mySQL database (it's a barcode). Things work ok unless the number has preceding zeros, and then the zeros get cut off and all I get is "12345678".
I have the mySQL database fieldtype set to bigint(14). If the maximum length a barcode can be is 14, is there a better fieldtype to use that will keep the zeros?
(or some way for PHP to tell mySQL not to chop off the zeros?)
A few years ago, I developed a full-on inventory management system
(with barcode printing and assignment, as well as scanning) and found
that with Code 39 I didn't have the issue, but when using UPC or some
other format, I often had to convert the code to string(). Then
insert the data into a CHAR or VARCHAR column, because to most
systems, INT 001234 is equal to INT 1234, but with more overhead,
which is then normally trimmed.
zerofill is the way - the stupid but works way is to store the barcodes
backwards :D or indeed base convert them from 10 to 32..
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