Fahad javed wrote:
I am developing a webservice in PHP/Linux where I need to kill a process.
I tried using
exec("kill ".$pid);
exec("kill -KILL ".$pid);
but the return value was always 1 and the process still remained.
I wrote up a small shell script and have exec run that script. The script
worked fine if invoked through command line but through php it didn't do
I have a hunch that this is because killing a process might need root
privilages so I updated the script to:
sudo -p my_passsword -u root kill $pid
yet it didn't work.
I still think the problem is access rights. question is how to solve it.
Try a full path:
or whatever it is.
in php, try:
$kill_path = '/bin/kill';
echo 'can find kill: ' . is_file($kill_path) . '<br/>';
that will tell you whether php can see the file or not.
Other stuff like safe-mode being enabled, open_basedir restrictions and
this fn can be disabled (echo ini_get('disabled_functions')) all affect
whether this will work or not.
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