Joey schreef:
Hi All,
I have a problem that the below code which is supposed to display a random
image and on occasion it shows NO image.
I'm not sure what is happening. This is running on linux just in case that
makes any difference.
$image_folder = "new_random/";
$dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $image_folder;
$image_array = array();
# The user doesn"t need to see any errors
$dir_handle = @opendir($dir);
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir_handle)))
if (!is_dir($file))
$image_array[] = $file;
closedir ($dir_handle);
# The following appears to make things more random
$r = rand(0,sizeof($image_array)-1);
echo "<img src=\"{$image_folder}{$image_array[$r]}\" width = \"561\" height
= \"400\" >";
apart from what Eric said - which was all correct (and definitely use glob for this - and
possibly even cache the results in a file, which you periodically refresh, so that you only have
to read a single file rather than list a complete directory) - have you actually
looked at the src attribute of the IMG tag when you get no image. no doubt
you'll see very clearly why it is not showing an image (my guess it will
be referencing a file that is not an image as Eric suggested)
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