On Jan 16, 2008 6:32 PM, Stijn Leenknegt <stijnleenknegt@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Hello > > I've an idea for PHP6. Let's kickoff with an example. > > <?php > $info = getUserInformation($id); //return an array with all the > information > of an user. > echo $info['naam']; > ?> > > This is nice, but when I want one element of the returned array, I have to > store the returned array into a variable and then call the variable. > The next code example is my idea. > > <?php > echo getUserInformation($id)['naam']; > ?> > > Let's look further then this small example. > > <?php > echo $object->fetchObjects()[0]->method(); > ?> > > This example is more realistic when you use OO. This code style is faster > for developing applications. This code style is available in Java, > Javascript, C, C++, Perl, Python, ... So why not in PHP(6)? You can read > more on my blog i think this is pretty much a dup of a thread from about a week ago; http://www.nabble.com/Why-is-some_function()-some_index--invalid-syntax--td14749459.html -nathan