Richard, Thank you so much for your response. The select would be created from the number of records in the db. <option value=²$variable²>$variable2</option> The problem that I am having is rather than getting just the number of records, which is 3 currently, I would like it to be 1 for the first option, 2 for the second..., so that the user has the choice of any record. The idea would be to order the content by the highest number. I hope this makes more sense. -- Steve M. on 1/17/08 1:54 PM Richard Heyes (richardh@xxxxxxxxxxx) wrote: >> > I am wanting to create an select menu for displaying the order of the item >> > on a page. I am guessing that I need to get the count of how many items are >> > in the db and them put them into a select menu. > > Your question doesn't really make a great deal of sense. Your SQL could be: > > SELECT COUNT(*) FROM your_table WHERE 1 > > Which will give you a single numeric value back (the number of rows). To > put them into an HTML page: > > <select name="mySelect"> > <option>Choose...</option> > <option value="1">Foo</option> > </select> > > This is a very basic select. You can simply loop through your query > results adding more option tags to add more items to the select.