Daniel Brown wrote:
On Jan 10, 2008 11:12 AM, Lester Caine <lester@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Daniel - all the messages in this thread have a message id of
References: <1199918125.7063.6.camel@localhost>
So correct threading will group them altogether.
If an existing message is 'replied to' even if the title is changed, the
threading reference will still be maintained.
That is correct, thank you. You may have noticed that I alluded
to the fact that Gmail doesn't work as it should, and thus the threads
don't remain intact. I know what the problem is and how to fix it
(i.e. - using POP3/IMAP to grab from Gmail and use a better client), I
was simply asking Jim what client he is using.
I use Thunderbird to view my php mailing list account.
I use Gmail for my personal accounts.
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