Daniel Brown wrote:
On Jan 9, 2008 7:57 PM, Jim Lucas <lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Scott Wilcox wrote:
Greetings folks,
I'm having a few issues with PHP this evening. I'm uploading various jpg
images, doing a resize via GD, and then storing the image in a database.
First, start your own thread next time. Don't hijack someone else's.
Now a question. Are you doing an error redirect for /account/photo ??
if so, the post data is not carried through the error redirect.
This came through as a brand-new thread, complete with it's own
IDs and all, on Gmail. What client/version are you using? I'd
seriously like to check it out, because I'd rather have threads
staying in-place as they should. Gmail has a habit of starting new
threads for "Re: [SUBJECT]" messages and the like.
Daniel - all the messages in this thread have a message id of
References: <1199918125.7063.6.camel@localhost>
So correct threading will group them altogether.
If an existing message is 'replied to' even if the title is changed, the
threading reference will still be maintained.
Lester Caine - G8HFL
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