Lester Caine wrote:
Daniel Brown wrote:
On Jan 9, 2008 7:57 PM, Jim Lucas <lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Scott Wilcox wrote:
Greetings folks,
I'm having a few issues with PHP this evening. I'm uploading various
images, doing a resize via GD, and then storing the image in a
First, start your own thread next time. Don't hijack someone else's.
Now a question. Are you doing an error redirect for /account/photo ??
if so, the post data is not carried through the error redirect.
This came through as a brand-new thread, complete with it's own
IDs and all, on Gmail. What client/version are you using? I'd
seriously like to check it out, because I'd rather have threads
staying in-place as they should. Gmail has a habit of starting new
threads for "Re: [SUBJECT]" messages and the like.
Daniel - all the messages in this thread have a message id of
References: <1199918125.7063.6.camel@localhost>
So correct threading will group them altogether.
That is exactly the problem, Gmail ignores the message-id header and
groups messages by Subject, not correct standard threading. This is my
biggest problem with Gmail. I have requested this standard view to be
added, with no response from them.
If an existing message is 'replied to' even if the title is changed, the
threading reference will still be maintained.
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