Danny Brow wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to compare a value to the first field in a csv fILE (example
of the data below). Using while takes too long and I can't figure out
how to compare just one row at a time. I've tried some variations of the
//Common for all trials
$demoID = fopen("newDemoID.csv", "r");;
$ID = "43";
$data = fgetcsv($demoID);
First try with while:
while ($data) {
if ($data[0] == $wolfID) {
print $data[1] . "," . $data[2] . "," . $data[3] .
Takes for every.
I can't use just the below because it only compares the first row.
if ($data[0] == $wolfID) {
print $data[1] . "," . $data[2] . "," . $data[3] . ".\n";
I know this is simple, but I've hit codes block due to lack of sleep.
Sample Data:
Maybe try something like this.
//Common for all trials
$fh = fopen("newDemoID.csv", "r");;
# What we are looking for
$ID = "43";
# check for valid handle
if ( is_resource($fh) ) {
# Loop through file handler
# if we get data, we check it
# if/when we get false, we break out of the while loop
while ( ($data = fgetcsv($fh) ) !== false ) {
# Check for the value you are looking for.
if ( $data[0] == $ID ) {
# Obvious...
echo "{$data[1]},{$data[2]},{$data[3]}\n";
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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