Re: best way for PHP page

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On Wednesday 02 January 2008 09:17:50 Alain Roger wrote:
> Hi,
> i would like to improve my coding quality when i use PHP code and for that
> i would request your help.
> in my web developer experience, i have to confess that i've never succeeded
> in spliting PHP code from HTML code.
> i mean that all my web pages consist of PHP code mixed with HTML code (for
> rendering pages).
> Some developers tell it's possible to write only PHP code for web page. i
> agree with them but only when those PHP pages do not render web elements
> (write text, display pictures, display formular, ...).
> the purpose of my post is to know if i can really (at 100%) split client
> code (display images, write text,...) from server code (move or copy data
> to DB, create connection objects,...)
> so what do you think about that ?


I believe TYPO3 has good implementation about splitting code and template.

And to archieve clean php code.

1-) Left <html> <?php echo $this; ?></html> model development
2-) Find good template engine. (no not that smarty, it was too big)
3-) use strict dicipline to move html to outside of the code.

Also if you can use the php based template files you can lift off the template 



$strPage = "


$strPageTitle = getPageTitle($_REQUEST['page']);
$strLeftBlock = getPageBlock($_REQUEST['page'],'left');
$strRightBlock = getPageBlock($_REQUEST['page'],'right');


echo $strPage;



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