Hi everyone! Generaly author of the first e-mail is right. Ofcource, crawling over the code and getting out of it a few milliseconds off doesn't make it worth, but you can learn what is good and what is bad and write your code correctly from the start. Why not to use foreach ($data as &$value) if it's better - faster and takes less memory. That's just a habbit on code style. I can bet, that nobody knows or remembers that echo has alternative syntax, with works faster and is easier to write if you cave to echo a complex string with many variables and static text, for example The ordinary: echo 'Hi! My name is '.$_GET['name'].'. I'm '.$_GET['age'].' and I live in '.$_GET['country'].'.'; The alternative: echo 'Hi! My name is', $_GET['name'], '. I'm ', $_GET['age'], ' and I live in ', $_GET['country'], '.'; I have an aplication with doesn't eat all CPU, just about 50-60%, but it eats all 3GB of ram. And not because it is poorly written. It serves ~160 000 - 170 000 requests/hour, that's ~3 960 000 hits a day + another 600 000 hits to the application's WEB part. Just one server could handle, but it can't because of WEB server's FastCGI implementation (they have a patch for that soon released). Just ONE Intel E6600 server with Lighttpd and PHP can handle such load if the code is optimised and written correctly.