Hi all!
I'm using simplexml to load an xml into an object.
The XML is this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
When I do this:
$file = simplexml_load_file( 'file.xml' );
$ticketType = $file->ticketType;
What i really have into $ticketType is a SimpleXMLElement... not the
value "cticket_agenda_server"... What am I doing wrong?
Because if I echo this value... Yes, I obtain the
"cticket_agenda_server"... But if I want to use like:
$ticket = new $ticketType( $param1, $param2);
It throws:
Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message
'SimpleXMLElement::__construct() expects parameter 1 to be string, array
given' in C:\Dani\htdocs\ticket_server\ticket_execute.php:134
Stack trace:
#0 C:\Dani\htdocs\ticket_server\ticket_execute.php(134):
SimpleXMLElement->__construct(Array, Object(clogger))
#1 {main}
It seems like it uses $ticketType class instead the value inside.
Than you in advance
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