"tedd" <tedd.sperling@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
Hi gang:
This really bazaar
Here's the code and demo:
If I cut/paste the following string "as-is" into the "Input Date" portion
of the form:
10-18-2009 00:00:00
It works and returns a UNIX timestamp of 1255885200
However, if I cut/paste the following string "as-is" into the "Input Date"
portion of the form:
10-18-2009 00:00:00
It doesn't work and returns a UNIX timestamp of "".
Am I going mad? What the hell is the difference between these two stings?
Arrgggg!!!! I knew this day would come.
Hi Tedd, next time you could just reply to your origional thread, you can
change the subject without making new thread, it's just harder for other
people to follow. Anyway, check out my response about storing and reading
using GMT, it might help you.
- Dan
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