I've been searching all over MSDN for this info, but can't find
anything. I have a script under a directory protected by HTTP Digest
authentication. This is an Apache server on Linux.
When I try to access the script through ajax using the XMLHttpRequest
object, everything is fine in all browsers including IE 7, which uses
XMLHttpRequest. In IE 6 and below, using Microsoft.XMLHTTP, the
connection fails. HttpStatus returns an odd number (it's five digits)
and the responseText and responseXML properties are empty.
I'm embedding the username and password according to the open() method spec:
xmlhttp.open('GET', 'script/path', true, 'username', 'password');
I originally wrote the responses and checks in PHP using the example
given in the HTTP Authentication section of the manual, but switched to
.htaccess, thinking it was a problem. It didn't help. However, when I
switched the AuthType to Basic, IE 6 worked fine.
Does anyone have any experience using XMLHTTP with digest authentication
that can shed some light on this?
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