"If you want a high speed socket server, use the low-level sockets
instead (socket_create/bind/listen). The stream_socket_server version
appears to have internal fixed 8k buffers that will overflow if you
don't keep up by reading.
This is a serious problem if you an application that reads the socket
for messages and then, say, saves the result in a database. The delay
while it is busy processing means you can't read the data in time
unless you get involved in muti-threading.
With the the low-level functions, the OS quietly buffers TCP/IP
packets so there is no problem (tested on Windows XP Professional)."
( http://php.oregonstate.edu/manual/en/function.stream-socket-
server.php#67837 )
Has anyone confirmed this? I am doing tests with a stripped-down
multi-client socket server, wonder if this issue is causing some of
the problems I've seen.
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