Thanks Stijn for your advice.
I wonder if my "session.save_path /var/lib/php4" is correct. Who
should be the owner of the directory? Is there any permission settings
I need to care about?
I also consider "session.cookie_path /". After searching, it means
cookies are avaiable for all the directories under, let's say,
. So if I work only at , would it be
better to change the path? What permissions are required to the path?
Sessions work when I use URL as paramers such as
. But I want to make session cookies work.
- T
On Nov 26, 2007, at 8:12 PM, metastable wrote:
Your session will expire, regardless of the call to
If you're looking to propagate a session across time, you should
look at keeping your session data in a database (google:
session_set_save_handler, there's a good tutorial on the zend site),
then calling a table row based on a cookie you set independently of
the session.
Based on the configuration you presented, I don't see why the
following code shouldn't give you the expected results:
## test1.php ##
$_SESSION['name'] = 'Kevin';
<a href="test2.php">test2</a>
## test2.php ##
echo $_SESSION['name'];
// If the above doesn't work, try doing a print_r($_SESSION) and let
us know what that brings up.
If for some reason I am not aware off, your typical setup doesn't
automatically save the session before exiting the script, you could
try ending your scripts with:
As a general tip, I suggest you set your error_reporting to E_ALL on
your development machine. That would print out a notice when a
certain index or key is not set in an array.
best regards,
Teck wrote:
I'm working to use cookie to maintain session data across multiple
pages in PHP4.42. I have the following two scripts, where I think
the second file outputs a data in a session variable.
file 1 - test_1.php #####################
session_set_cookie_params(360 * 24 * 3600);
$_SESSION['name'] = "Kevn";
<a href="test_2.php?<php? echo SID ?>">Go next</a>
file 2 - test_2.php ######################
echo $_SESSION['name']; // Here I expect to show the word "Kevin"
phpinfo() tells me that
* Session Support enabled
* session.auto_start Off
* session.bug_compat_42 On
* session.bug_compat_warn On
* session.cache_expire 180
* session.cache_limiter nocache
* session.cookie_domain no value
* session.cookie_path /
* session.cookie_secure Off
* session.entropy_file no value
* session.entropy_length 0
* session.gc_divisor 100
* session.gc_maxlifetime 1440
* session.gc_probability 0
* session.referer_check no value
* session.save_handler files
* session.save_path /var/lib/php4
* session.use_cookies On
* session.use_only_cookies On
* session.use_trans_sid On
What am I missing?
In file 1, I also tried "<a href="test_2.php>Go next</a> .
I've been learning PHP using various books and websites. Still I
don't solve this issue.
Any help would be apprecaited.