Andrés Robinet wrote:
This comment is extracted directly from PHPMailer source (before the
implementation for the function AddBCC)
* Adds a "Bcc" address. Note: this function works
* with the SMTP mailer on win32, not with the "mail"
* mailer.
* @param string $address
* @param string $name
* @return void
I don't really know the internals of how and why Bcc won't work with the
mail function on windows, but if these guys who developed PHPMailer say
so... "Holy Word", so I wouldn't expect the mail function on Windows to work
with Bcc.
And they were right, all the way up until PHP 4.3.0. From the mail
manual page...
4.3.0 (Windows only) All custom headers (like From, Cc, Bcc and Date)
are supported, and are not case-sensitive. (As custom headers are not
interpreted by the MTA in the first place, but are parsed by PHP, PHP <
4.3 only supported the Cc header element and was case-sensitive).
So if you're using >= 4.3.0 on Windows the Bcc header will be parsed.
For unix-based servers where mail uses sendmail the Bcc header is
supported by that and therefore does not need to be supported by PHP.
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