Brad wrote:
As per your email!
Whose email? Not mine.
Brad wrote:
$headers = 'bcc: kathyandrews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx';
Works but corrupts the "from" portion and changes it to "nobody"
Which I think goes back too the smtp portion.
There is no bcc: header. BCC'ing someone is normally done by sending them
the email without listing them explicitly in to: or cc:.
Per: While technically correct, PHP (on Windows) and Sendmail (in the
default configuration used by PHP on most systems) will parse an email,
extract Bcc headers and use them. There is a note regarding when this
was added for Windows on the mail manual page.
-----Original Message-----
From: Stut [mailto:stuttle@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 5:18 PM
To: Brad
Cc: 'Wolf'; php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: two small issues with php mail
Brad wrote:
Well, since
$headers .= "CC: service@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\r\n";
Which does not work for me AT ALL and Stut called me a du3b-@ss for doing
it, I am assuming that all this key wording on google is not going to and
the problem appears to be else where!
I don't believe I did that at all (if I did can someone else please let
me know - it's never my intention).
Since you don't seem willing to properly read my original reply to you,
the one with the answer in it, I give up. I wish your professor luck.
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