Hi Mike,
(I know it can probably be done better, or more elegant).
The problem is that the recursion doesn't seem to stop. (Unless there
are html ssi's that "loop") there shouldn't be a problem. It basically
just freezes up (probably the recursion not terminating/ falling back.)
However the html just displays fine when I don't use recursion, so t
somewhat baffled me that when I use recursion the script doesn't
terminate. I did get to see some error msgs about problems with file
streams. Maybe it is running out of file handles ?
Ford, Mike wrote:
On 08 November 2007 06:41, Ron Croonenberg wrote:
ok I wrote something "quick and dirty" real quick:
But somehow it doesn't seem to like recursion. Is there something
"special" one needs to do in php ?
Recursive functions work just fine in PHP. What's the error message?
As far as I can see, there's nothing wrong with what you've posted, except for where there's some inefficiency due to not having found the right functions to use (see corrections below).
here's the code snippet:
function parsehtmlline($line)
if (strlen(strstr($line, "#include")) == 0 &&
strlen(strstr($line, "<!--")) == 0) {
if (strpos($line, "#include")===FALSE && strpos($line, "<!--")===FALSE)
/* nothing to parse just print it */
else {
/* extract the filename */
$ssi = extractHTMLssi($line);
/* open the file if it exists and output */
/* it else just print the string */
if (file_exists($ssi)) {
$incfile = fopen($ssi, "r");
while (!feof($incfile)) {
$ssiline = fgets($incfile, 1024);
// somehow PhP doesn't really like recursion, needs to be fixed
// for now just print the line.
// parsehtmlline($ssiline);
function extractHTMLssi($line)
$ssi = "";
$strptr = strstr($line, "\"");
if (strlen($strptr) == 0)
return $line;
$strptr = strstr($iss, "\"");
$iss = substr($strptr, 1, -1);
$ssi = strrev($iss);
return $ssi;
I'd replace the whole of this function body with something like:
$pos = strpos($line, '"');
if ($strpos===FALSE):
return $line;
return substr($line, $pos+1, strrpos($line, '"')-1);
Mike Ford, Electronic Information Services Adviser,
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Ron Croonenberg |
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