tedd wrote:
I was thinking that I could ftp the sql file to the clients server and
then run a php script on his server, something like:
$sql = "mysql -h$dbhost -u$dbuser -p$dbpass $dbname < $filename";
But, that didn't work -- however -- using mysqldump did download the
file. So, I'm close.
I know that safe_mode is ON, but I'm not sure if that's what's causing
the failure or something else.
Just a thought: did you pass the full path for $filename?
Also, pass in a return var to read:
system($sql, $ret);
if ($ret === 0) { echo 'sucess'; }
Sorry, you'll have to hunt down the other return codes that MySQl might
send back.
If safe_mode is enabled, your command will be escaped with
escapeshellcmd() but that's about it.
If you can FTP it but can't get a shell is there any chance you could
convince an admin to run the script?
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