I trying something without results.
I have a zend optimized php script. This script only request you a
password, and then you go to admin page.
If a do in a browser:
Then i go to this web where the password is request. I put the password
and go to the administration web.
But if i do in a browser:
Then i go directly to the administration web, without request pass.
So, im trying to the the same in php command line
i have test with many things, but i dont know how to specify this
variable to the php cli,
some tested example:
php administration.php --varpass=112233 --checkpass=Submit
php administration.php --"varpass=112233&checkpass=Submit"
php administration.php --"varpass=112233" --"checkpass=Submit
And a lot of more combination.
Can i do this by php command line ?
Thanks and regards.
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