From: "Instruct ICC" <instructicc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Olav Mørkrid" <olav.morkrid@xxxxxxxxx>
sorry. still get it twice.
c:\>php -r "error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
trigger_error(\"hello\", E_USER_ERROR);"
PHP Fatal error: hello in Command line code on line 1
Fatal error: hello in Command line code on line 1
- if i do error_reporting(0) then i get NO lines at all. and if i do
error_reporting(E_NOTICE) and then trigger_error("hello", E_NOTICE) i
get two again.
so there must be some setting beside error_reporting.
What do you get with:
php -r "error_reporting(E_USER_ERROR); trigger_error(\"hello\",
"Show only user errors"
But you may be interested in other errors, warnings, or notices (system
versus user)?
Hmm, I'm seeing the behavior you mentioned on PHP 5.1.6 box, but not on PHP
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