This may or may not be a PHP question - I'll let the group decide. Note
this URL:
compared to this URL:
Okay. How does one create the URL with no file extension? Is this done
through PHP or is this a server setting? Thanks in advance!
A number of ways. You could use mod_rewrite, though you shouldn't if you
care at all about performance.
Directories. ie. Make SomeFile a directory with an index.php file in it.
You will end up up with a trailing slash on the URL though.
ForceType (IIRC). Use this directive in Apache to specify that SomeFile
is actually be parsed by PHP. SomeFile should be a PHP script. Or
SomeDirectory could actually be a PHP file again used with ForceType
which inspects the URL and serves up the correct content.
The ForceType method is used on to make "static" look like a
directory. It's actually a PHP file that shows the correct template
based on the URL.
Richard Heyes
+44 (0)844 801 1072
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