sivasakthi wrote:
Hi Guys,
I have a array like that below,
$values = ("name1 %we %tr ", "name2 %de.%ty %sd", "name3 %we 5te %mt/%
another one array like that,
$tmp = ("%tr", "%uy", "%xc");
I need to add the array of $tmp in to each element of array
$values.....Also i need to add the $tmp array in to after the name of
each element..
could you help me to find the solution..??
well, if I understand what you are asking to do, it should be as simple
as this.
$values[] = "name1 %we %tr ";
$values[] = "name2 %de.%ty %sd";
$values[] = "name3 %we 5te %mt/% Hs";
$tmp[] = "%tr";
$tmp[] = "%uy";
$tmp[] = "%xc";
foreach ( $values AS $k => $v ) {
if ( isset( $tmp[$k] ) ) {
$values[$k] = $v . $tmp[$k]; // This puts it on the end
$values[$k] = $tmp[$k] . $v; // This puts it at the start
Hope this helps
Jim Lucas
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