There is a "Find and Replace" function in Dreamweaver, but it is very specific and will only find specific words/tags. If these comments are from outside of Dreamweaver and it does not recognize them, then it is probably interpreting them as basic HTML text. And as such there would be no way for it to know where your comment ended and the code you want to be begins. Something a little faster but not your ideal solution would be to use the Find function. This will build a list of all the instances of your comment code, for instance if you start off all your comments with //. Then you can double click on the result and it will take you to that line, then just delete the line. On 7/5/07, Kelvin Park <kelvinpark86@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm trying to get rid of all the comments that are in a different language in dreamweaver. Anyone know how to do that automatically? I have like 1000 php files with full of comments in different language. I do not intend on translating them or doing anything with em, I just wanna get rid of them just like that. Maybe regular expressions will do? dunno. I'll appreciate any comment. thanks