On Jul 3, 2007, at 9:47 AM, Robert Cummings wrote:
On Tue, 2007-07-03 at 09:30 -0400, Jason Pruim wrote:
Hi Everyone!
Here is some of the code:
$result = mysql_query($sql);
echo "<form method='POST' action='update.php' name='ticklers'>";
echo "<table border='1' bgcolor=".$tableBody." >";
echo "<tr>
<TH>ID #</TH>
<th>Tickler Name</th>
<th>Tickler Description</th>
<TH> Day to complete</th>
<TH>Reschedule Date</TH>
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "<TR><TD bgcolor=".$rowColor.">ID#, $row[0] </td>";// ID #
echo "<td bgcolor=".$rowColor.">TicklerName, $row[1] </td>";//
Tickler Name
echo "<td bgcolor=".$rowColor.">Instructions, <A href='$row
[2]'>Instructions</A></td>";// Instructions
echo "<td bgcolor=".$dowColor.">DayOfWeekWord, $dowword </td>";//
Day of week word
echo "<TD BGCOLOR=".$rowColor.">DateToReschedule, <input type='text'
name='txtReschedule' value=''>";//Date to reschedule
echo "<TD BGCOLOR=".$rowColor.">DateRescheduled, $Date";//Date
stored in timeStamp
// echo "<TD bgcolor=".$rowColor."><A href='update.php?taskid=$row[0]
&taskdate=$taskdate'>Click here!</A>";
echo "<TD bgcolor=".$rowColor.">CheckboxForWhenDone, <input
type='checkbox' name='chkDone' value='$row[0]'>";//Check box for when
Oh man, blast from the past... BLAST FROM THE PAST!!! Where did you
up such ancient HTML? I'm taking a walk down nostalgia lane.
Unfortunately it's making me nauseous as I remember the original
trip. I
guess you could call it naustalgia! >:)
But what I'm displaying is tabular data on my internal network :) so
I can use an old table for it. Once I get it working properly I'll
probably change the table into div's... Haven't decided yet :)
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