Just did a quick benchmark for 10.000 hands (making a full deck on your code, 23.5 players): Microtime difference: Ryan's code:15.725826978683 Tijnema's code:0.40006709098816 Unique decks out of 10000: Ryan's code:10000 Tijnema's code:10000 When making a full deck my code is 40 times faster, and a lot less memory intensive. And as you can see, for both all 10000 decks are unique, so both are random :) But, also when generating cards for only 4 players, my code is twice as fast as yours, and both generate still 10000 random decks: Microtime difference: Ryan's code:0.82403707504272 Tijnema's code:0.40426802635193 Unique decks out of 10000: Ryan's code:10000 Tijnema's code:10000 >>>>>>>>>>> Hey Tijnema, I really had no doubt about your code being faster and cleaner... (as i mentioned in my original post) but can you send me the benchmarking scripts that you used so i may test them a bit more? Thanks! Ryan ------ - The faulty interface lies between the chair and the keyboard. - Creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster! - Smile, everyone loves a moron. :-) --------------------------------- Don't be flakey. Get Yahoo! Mail for Mobile and always stay connected to friends.