Just did a quick benchmark for 10.000 hands (making a full deck on
your code, 23.5 players):
Microtime difference:
Ryan's code:15.725826978683
Tijnema's code:0.40006709098816
Unique decks out of 10000:
Ryan's code:10000
Tijnema's code:10000
When making a full deck my code is 40 times faster, and a lot less
memory intensive. And as you can see, for both all 10000 decks are
unique, so both are random :)
But, also when generating cards for only 4 players, my code is twice
as fast as yours, and both generate still 10000 random decks:
Microtime difference:
Ryan's code:0.82403707504272
Tijnema's code:0.40426802635193
Unique decks out of 10000:
Ryan's code:10000
Tijnema's code:10000
Just a pointer:
Just because you get 10000 different decks doesn't mean that it is random.
Since there are 52! (around 8*10^67) different decks and you choose
10000 of theese you would be very lucky to get 2 that are the same.
"I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the
--The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy
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